he adventures of Tom Sawyer revolves around the youthful adventures of the novel’s schoolboy protagonist, Thomas Sawyer, whose reputation precedes him for causing mischief...
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he adventures of Tom Sawyer revolves around the youthful adventures of the novel’s schoolboy protagonist, Thomas Sawyer, whose reputation precedes him for causing mischief...
If God is willing, then Shaheen Afridi will be my son in law in recent future.
Imran Khan's role as leader is alike the role of Ertughrul in the drama serial as a Muslim leader, says Jalal Al farrah, a...
Pakistani actress named Iqra Aziz became top twitter trend after her latest episode Khuda Aur Muhabat.
Total death tally of Pakistan crosses 20k mark & positivity rate in Pakistan at 6.43% with 63,436 active cases.
Prince William confronts difficulty with Prince Harry that why he maintains distance from family.
It is mind boggling why President Biden feels compelled to embrace a cut-and-run policy in Afghanistan after all the sweat, blood, and money.
The actress/activist was awarded the certificate for outstanding public service by the Pakistani mayor of Burnley, Lord Wajid Khan.