Justice Ameer Bhatti took oath as the new Chief Justice of the Lahore High Court on Tuesday. The swearing in ceremony took place at Governor House in Lahore and the oath was administered by Punjab Governor Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar.
Justice Bhatti’s name was proposed for the post of LHC CJ in May, earlier this year. He was nominated by Chief Justice of Pakistan Gulzar Ahmed. Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Bazdar was among the notable provincial ministers, judges and administrative officers who attended the swearing in ceremony of Justice Bhatti.
The Punjab CM congratulated the newly sworn in LHC CJ and extended his best wishes to him.
Justice Bhatti became an additional LHC judge on March 12, 2011. Formerly, he served as the senior puisne judge in the LHC.
Last week, Adviser to Prime Minister on Interior and Accountability Shahzad Akbar had congratulated Justice Bhatti over being appointed to the post.