In an interview, Jamila Alam Al-Hoda, the wife of the Iranian President, shared her enhanced perception of Pakistan following her recent visit. She underscored Pakistan’s positive image in her mind, now further fortified by her firsthand experience.
Addressing the ongoing conflict in Palestine, Al-Hoda condemned Israel’s actions as genocide against Palestinians, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. “Israel is inflicting atrocities on humanity. This is a complex issue that is centuries old, and it is against humanity,” she stated.
She criticized the global silence on the matter, asserting that inaction only emboldens Israel to perpetuate its atrocities.
She highlighted the courage and resilience of Palestinian women, journalists, and doctors in the face of adversity. She juxtaposed Israel’s actions with its claimed religious affiliations, suggesting a disconnect between professed beliefs and actual conduct.
Transitioning to potential collaborations between Iran and Pakistan, Al-Hoda stressed the importance of educational cooperation between the two nations. She advocated for a more accurate portrayal of global events by inviting international media to Pakistan.
Discussing gender dynamics, she acknowledged the strength of unity between men and women while cautioning against the pitfalls of feminism, which she believed could foster discord instead of cooperation.
In conclusion, Al-Hoda reiterated her positive impressions of Pakistan post-visit, expressing gratitude for the hospitality and reaffirming her commitment to fostering bilateral relations.