Sajal Aly’s fans have fervently joined a social media debate triggered by a user’s unsolicited marriage advice on her Instagram post. The renowned Ankahi actor, sharing a candid moment with her 10 million followers, showcased a no-makeup look adorned in a simple block-printed dress.
In an unexpected turn, a follower took it upon themselves to offer marital advice, stating, “SHADI KR LO AB QAYAMAT QAREEB HAI,” loosely translated as “Get married now, judgment day is near.” Sajal Aly, undeterred by the comment, responded by questioning the connection between marriage and the impending doomsday.
Surprisingly, the commentator remained silent in the face of Sajal’s inquiry. However, her loyal fan base swiftly came to her defense, delivering a resounding backlash against the user.
It is noteworthy that Sajal Aly and Ahad Mir officially parted ways in 2022, concluding their marriage after a year. During this tumultuous time, speculations surfaced regarding Ahad Raza Mir’s alleged romance with his Hum Tum co-actor, Ramsha Khan.
This incident not only highlights the intrusive nature of unsolicited advice on social media but also underscores the resilience and support that public figures like Sajal Aly receive from their devoted fan base. As fans rally behind their favorite celebrity, it reaffirms the complexities and challenges associated with navigating personal matters in the public eye, even after the conclusion of a high-profile marriage.
In the world of social media, Sajal Aly’s fans robustly defend her against unsolicited marriage advice, reflecting unwavering support. The incident highlights the challenges celebrities face in navigating personal matters under public scrutiny.