A tragic event in Khairpur, Sindh, has resulted in the deaths of six children after they ingested poisoned milk. The incident occurred in the village of Habib Brohi, close to Pir Jo Goth.
Late at night, more than ten children became ill after consuming the tainted milk. They were quickly transported to the local hospital, where two children were pronounced dead upon arrival.
Unfortunately, four more children passed away the next morning, raising the total number of fatalities to six. All the deceased were from the same family. The victims include Dilbar Ghulam Asghar, Fahmida Ganj, and Baby Sonia, among others. Four children, including Maryam Hajani, Manzoor, and Muhammad Bakhsh, remain in critical condition.
The families of the deceased are in mourning and have accused the local hospital of negligence. They argue that the inadequate medical staff and facilities contributed to the children’s deaths.
Additionally, the families claim that delays in getting the children to the hospital, worsened by recent heavy rains, exacerbated their condition.
Hospital authorities have confirmed that the deaths were due to a poisonous substance in the milk.
Investigations are underway to identify the specific poison involved. The affected families are calling for strict measures against those responsible for the lapses and are demanding improvements in healthcare services to prevent such tragedies in the future.