In the village of Kachhi Qamar, Lakki Marwat, located within the Dadiwala police jurisdiction, unidentified armed men launched a targeted attack on the home of Naik Muhammad Iqbal, a Pakistan Army soldier. The attackers, estimated to be around 20 in number, encircled Iqbal’s residence before breaking in.
Once inside, the assailants planted explosives in Iqbal’s personal room and detonated them, causing significant damage. Despite the scale of the attack, police sources have confirmed that Iqbal’s family miraculously escaped unharmed.
The incident has sparked concerns over security in the region, particularly as this act of aggression against a member of the armed forces highlights vulnerabilities in the area. Authorities have initiated an investigation to identify the perpetrators and understand their motives.
The attack underscores the need for enhanced security measures to protect both military personnel and civilians from such violent acts. While no group has claimed responsibility yet, law enforcement agencies are working to ensure that those behind this brazen assault are brought to justice.