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Japan declares Covid emergency, may hold olympics without fans

Japanese Prime Minister said on Thursday that the state of emergency would go in effect on Monday and last until August 22.

Prime Minister of Japan Yoshihide Suga has declared a coronavirus state of emergency for Tokyo that will run through the city’s hosting of the Olympics, as organisers consider banning all spectators from the event.

Suga said on Thursday that the state of emergency would go in effect on Monday and last until August 22.

This means the Olympics, opening on July 23 and running until August 8, will be held entirely under emergency measures.

Suga said the state of emergency was needed to “prevent the resurgence of the future spread on cases across the country”.

Medical advisers experts have said for weeks that having no spectators at the Games would be the least risky option amid widespread public concern that the influx of thousands of athletes and officials will fuel a fresh wave of infections.

Organisers have already banned overseas spectators and have set a cap on domestic fans at 50 percent of capacity, to a maximum of 10,000 people. Talks to finalise the restrictions on the spectators are expected either on Thursday or on Friday.

International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach, who arrived in Tokyo on Thursday to oversee the last leg of the preparations, will preside over the talks.

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I am an experienced writer, analyst, and author. My exposure in English journalism spans more than 28 years. In the past, I have been working with daily The Muslim (Lahore Bureau), daily Business Recorder (Lahore/Islamabad Bureaus), Daily Times, Islamabad, daily The Nation (Lahore and Karachi). With daily The Nation, I have served as Resident Editor, Karachi. Since 2009, I have been working as a Freelance Writer/Editor for American organizations.


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