In a heartfelt initiative, Chief of Army Staff General Syed Asim Munir has established the “Madawa” Grief Counseling Cell to offer vital support to the families of martyred soldiers. This specialized support system is designed to provide comprehensive care through a team of army officers and professional psychologists who directly assist grieving families.
The “Madawa” Grief Counseling Cell employs a multi-faceted approach to offer both emotional and practical assistance. Key elements of the support include:
- Immediate personal visits to the homes of martyrs’ families following their loss.
- In-depth psychological evaluations for grieving family members.
- Detailed assessments of the family’s economic, social, and educational needs.
- Assistance in navigating military benefits and support services.
- Continuous psychological counseling and mental health care.
The support teams work closely with families to assess their mental health and determine if any family members need specialized support. These teams help ensure that grieving families are aware of and able to access various military benefits, easing their burden during these difficult times.
Psychologists within the team focus on creating a compassionate and supportive environment to help families cope with their grief while fostering resilience and hope. By providing ongoing care, the Madawa Grief Counseling Cell aims to empower families to heal and navigate their loss with dignity and strength.