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Saudi Arabia Mandates Customs Declarations for Pilgrims Carrying Cash or Valuables for Hajj

Saudi authorities have announced that pilgrims arriving for next month’s Hajj pilgrimage with at least SR60,000 in cash or valuables must complete a customs declaration upon entry and exit.

The Ministry of Hajj stated that this declaration ensures the safety and proper documentation of pilgrims’ entry and departure procedures. Additionally, foreign pilgrims bringing commercial quantities of goods worth over SR3,000 or items subject to excise tax are also required to declare these on arrival and departure.

The customs regulations further mandate the declaration of banned items, such as antiquities. “Failure to fill a customs statement makes you liable to law,” the ministry added.

Separately, the Interior Ministry of Saudi Arabia has announced entry restrictions to Makkah for holders of all types of visit visas from May 23 to June 21, 2024, coinciding with the upcoming Hajj season.

The ministry clarified that visit visas do not include authorization to perform Hajj. Visitors currently in Saudi Arabia on visit visas are advised to refrain from traveling to Makkah during this period to avoid penalties under the Kingdom’s regulations.

These measures are part of the security and organizational preparations aimed at ensuring the safety and security of authorized pilgrims and allowing them to perform their religious rituals without disruption. The Saudi government is committed to maintaining a secure and well-organized environment during Hajj, considering the immense influx of pilgrims from around the world.

Hajj is a sacred pilgrimage and one of the five pillars of Islam. Each year, millions of Muslims worldwide travel to Makkah, modern-day Saudi Arabia, to perform Hajj. This journey holds profound spiritual significance, and the Saudi authorities’ regulations and preparations are essential to facilitate a smooth and safe pilgrimage experience for all attendees. By enforcing these rules, Saudi Arabia aims to uphold the sanctity and security of this pivotal religious event.

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I am an accomplished graduate of Strategic Studies, driven by a fervent dedication to comprehending global affairs and devising impactful strategies. Equipped with a comprehensive skill set encompassing research, critical thinking, and persuasive communication, I possess a distinctive viewpoint and an unwavering commitment to fostering inclusive decision-making processes. As a versatile individual, I excel in collaborating with diverse groups in various settings, leveraging my strong interpersonal abilities to adapt seamlessly to new environments and surmount any challenges that arise. With a passion for contributing to strategic initiatives, I am eager to leverage my expertise and drive to effect positive change within the field.


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