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Greece Permits Consular Access for Detained Pakistani Journalist

Pakistani Journalist

The Pakistani government has successfully secured consular access for Pakistani journalist and marathon runner Mona Khan, who was detained in Greece for raising the Pakistani flag during a hiking activity.

Officials from the Pakistani embassy reached the jail where she is currently held, marking a significant development in the case.

Confirmation of this access was provided by Mumtaz Zahra Baloch, spokesperson for the Pakistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who highlighted the embassy’s proactive efforts in engaging with Greek authorities on Mona’s behalf.

The embassy had formally requested consular access to Mona, emphasizing Pakistan’s commitment to ensuring her rights and well-being.

Mona Khan’s arrest in Greece stemmed from her act of waving the Pakistani national flag while participating in hiking activities.

Coach Mohammad Yousef confirmed her detention and revealed that the police had also confiscated her phone. He recounted his last communication with Mona, noting that it occurred an hour before she parted ways with her son in Athens.

An alleged audio recording of Mona’s encounter with the police has emerged, indicating that she admitted to waving the Pakistani flag when questioned.

This admission reportedly led to mistreatment by the authorities, raising concerns about her welfare and treatment during detention.

Yousef has appealed to the Pakistani government to take necessary steps to secure Mona’s release, underscoring the urgency of the situation and the need for swift diplomatic intervention.

The detention of Mona Khan in Greece has garnered attention and concern, with calls for her rights to be upheld and for a resolution to be reached promptly.

The Pakistani government’s successful negotiation of consular access marks a significant step forward in addressing the situation and ensuring proper representation and support for Mona during this challenging time.

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I am a dynamic professional, specializing in Peace and Conflict Studies, Conflict Management and Resolution, and International Relations. My expertise is particularly focused on South Asian Conflicts and the intricacies of the Indian Ocean and Asia Pacific Politics. With my skills as a Content Writer, I serve as a bridge between academia and the public, translating complex global issues into accessible narratives. My passion for fostering understanding and cooperation on the national and international stage drives me to make meaningful contributions to peace and global discourse.

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