On Wednesday, Education Minister Rana Tanveer Hussain announced that the federal government would provide significant aid to university students in flood-affected areas by waiving tuition and offering scholarships.
The decision was reached after a meeting between the ministry’s head and senior officials to discuss an immediate response to the destruction caused by the floods in Pakistan. A unique scholarship program (both undergraduate and graduate) will be announced, and payments on outstanding university fees will be postponed, as part of the assistance package.
The federal minister assured those affected by the flood that the Shahbaz Sharif administration will do everything in its power to help.
The administration, according to Rana Tanveer, is standing behind the people and will do whatever it takes to help them recover, especially in these trying times.
Our first objective is to raise money, supply food and tents, and organize medical camps and temporary schools.
Mahnur is MS(development Studies)Student at NUST University, completed BS Hons in Eng Literature. Content Writer, Policy analyst, Climate Change specialist, Teacher, HR Recruiter.