Indian filmmaker Madhur Bhandarkar has officially announced that he is developing a sequel to his acclaimed drama Fashion.
The original film, which starred Priyanka Chopra and Kangana Ranaut, was a significant turning point in both actresses’ careers. Bhandarkar revealed to an Indian media outlet that he has been working on Fashion 2 for the past two years and is considering it as a multi-season series or a film.
Bhandarkar, who co-wrote and directed the original Fashion, expressed his belief in the sequel’s potential. “I feel Fashion has all the potential for a sequel,” he stated. He elaborated that the fashion industry has evolved significantly since the original film’s release, providing ample material for exploration.
“Today, the world of fashion has changed dramatically,” Bhandarkar noted. He suggested that the sequel could be developed into a series spanning multiple seasons or remain a feature film, though no final decision has been made.
The filmmaker teased that Fashion 2 will delve into how social media has transformed the fashion world.
“In the past, supermodels were prominent, but now, the focus has shifted. Bollywood celebrities have become the new showstoppers,” he said. Bhandarkar plans to address these changes and the rise of influencers and models from smaller towns in the sequel.
The original Fashion was a box office success and received critical acclaim for its direction, screenplay, soundtrack, and performances, earning National Film Awards for both Chopra and Ranaut. The sequel aims to build on this legacy by exploring contemporary themes and reflecting the current state of the fashion industry.