Indian actress Geethika Tiwari and Feroze Khan are set to star in their upcoming movie, “Luck Lag Gaye.” Recently, Geethika shared a video on her Instagram Stories featuring a scene from the unreleased film. The clip, which runs slightly over 80 minutes, shows Feroze and Geethika together in a pool.
Prior to Geethika addressing the rumors herself, speculation had been rife about a romantic connection between her and Feroze. One of the most frequently searched questions about Geethika on Google was whether she was dating the actor from “Gul-e-Rana.” During an interview with an Indian magazine, which she shared on Instagram, she firmly denied the rumors, stating, “No, of course not.”
Despite this, Geethika praised her co-star highly, saying, “But I would say that he is such a genuine human being and a nice person. I’ve learnt so much from him, including respect, devotion, patience, and of course, love. He is such a sweetheart.” In response, Feroze commented on her post, saying, “Honestly it takes an eye to recognize one. So, I must say you’re a beautiful human being yourself.”
While the project’s producers and actors have remained silent, fans speculate that “Luck Lag Gaye” is likely a romantic comedy directed by Zulfiqar Ali, based on rumors from various newspapers. The film was reportedly shot in London.
Although the video shared by Geethika is the first official on-screen footage from the movie, several behind-the-scenes stills are circulating on social media. These images show the actors sitting on a cliff in the English countryside, dressed in autumn attire. In another photo, Geethika is seen wearing an elegant bright green cable knit jumper as they lean against the hood of a car.