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Cate Blanchett advocates for the integration of refugee voices within the film industry

Cate Blanchett, the Australian actor and goodwill ambassador for the UN refugee agency, made a compelling plea on Monday for the film industry to embrace the inclusion of refugee narratives.

“Those who are displaced possess powerful voices and stories,” remarked the Oscar-winning actor during a discussion at the Cannes Film Festival. “Their tales are truly remarkable and deeply moving.”

Having engaged with refugees in her role as a UNHCR envoy since 2016, Blanchett highlighted the staggering figure of 114 million people displaced globally due to conflict and violence.

“It’s perplexing why more films don’t engage with this subject directly or indirectly,” she expressed.

“The more we marginalize these voices in our stories, the more we’re alienating them,” Blanchett emphasized.

“So, I would encourage individuals, when considering directors to collaborate with or narratives to explore… consider compiling a list of individuals who differ from you in appearance or life experiences, and explore the stories they might offer,” she suggested.

“I believe the downfall of the old studio system was rooted in its repetition of stories told by the same individuals, with the same perspectives and crews,” she reflected.

Blanchett, who also serves as a producer, highlighted the ongoing challenges.

“In meetings with streaming platforms, you often encounter situations where you pitch a story, receive positive feedback, but then hear it’s not aligned with their agenda,” she recounted. “It’s frustrating because you wonder, ‘Don’t you want a diverse range of narratives in your lineup?

Blanchett is currently in Cannes for the out-of-competition premiere of “Rumours,” a film depicting the seven leaders of the world’s wealthiest liberal democracies getting lost in the woods while attempting to draft a statement.

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