Tom, a helpless orphan, is utilized by the hateful fireplace clear, Grimes, to come up inside vents to gather up the residue. While occupied with this awful job, he becomes lost in the room of Ellie, the youthful girl of the house who damages him for a cheat. He ran off, and worked up, he slips into a cooling stream, falls sleeping soundly, and turns into a water child. In this new life, he meets a wide range of oceanic animals, including a drawing in old lobster, other water children, and finally arrives at St Branden’s Isle where he experiences the wild Mrs Bedon- byasyoudid and Mrs Doasyouwouldbedoneby. After a long and exhausting journey to the nowhere, youthful Tom accomplishes his deep wish.
The book began quite well, yet by the end it was a bit too much. There were such a large number of examples attempting to be instructed, and the actual story began getting incredibly senseless with the Mrs. Bedonebyasyou- did and Doasyouwouldbedoneby. It was somewhat extra.
This book is very well written. It gets quite interesting and full of underwater adventures. However, there was also a lot of racism in the book. At one point, Tom, the water baby is talking to some salmon, which are big, well-bred fish in this novel, and they’re talking about how the trout are inferior to them, so “ugly and brown” and so degraded in their tastes that they will eat salmon children.
In any case, I loved the story, and the book wasn’t horrible. It got more careful to ignore as the novel went on. I imagine that while reading The Water Babies one should recollect what the writer says twice in the book, which isn’t to accept an expression of it, regardless of whether it is true or not. I would recommend this book for children above the age of 10.