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PTI Secures Deal as Successful Independents Align with Sunni Ittehad Council

Sunni Ittehad Council

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) announced on Monday that newly elected independent candidates in the National and other provincial assemblies will officially join the Sunni Ittehad Council as a political party.

In a press conference held in Islamabad, PTI’s leadership, accompanied by Majlis Wahdat-e-Muslimeen Pakistan (MWM) Chief Allama Raja Nasir Abbas and Sunni Ittehad Council Supremo Sahibzada Hamid Raza, confirmed the collaboration.

Barrister Gohar, speaking on behalf of PTI, emphasized the party’s endorsement of the independent candidates, asserting that all nominees had PTI support on their nomination papers. Gohar revealed that PTI had secured 180 seats in the National Assembly and highlighted the shared vision of the coalition to promote unity and progress across the nation.

He announced the intention to submit applications for special seats in the Election Commission, formalizing the affiliation of their candidates with the coalition.

In a related announcement, PTI leader Umar Ayub expressed the party’s commitment to securing the release of its founder, Imran Khan, following the formation of the government. Ayub underscored the alliance’s significance, particularly in securing specific seats within the National Assembly where the coalition holds influence.

Both leaders vehemently rejected sectarianism, emphasizing their dedication to fostering unity and cohesion within Pakistan. Ayub condemned alleged election rigging and expressed resolve to rectify the injustices faced by the party.

Majlis Wahdat al-Muslimeen chief Nasir Abbas praised the decision to align with the Sunni Ittehad Council, pledging unwavering support to PTI in their joint struggle for the nation’s upliftment. He called for a fair electoral process devoid of manipulation and emphasized the importance of democracy in steering the country towards prosperity.

Hamid Raza, the head of Sunni Ittehad Council, reiterated the enduring partnership between the council and PTI, emphasizing their shared vision for an Islamic system in Pakistan. He reaffirmed their commitment to peace and non-violence.

The announcements highlight the evolving political landscape in Pakistan and the strategic alliances being forged to shape the political landscape following the February 8 elections.

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I am a dynamic professional, specializing in Peace and Conflict Studies, Conflict Management and Resolution, and International Relations. My expertise is particularly focused on South Asian Conflicts and the intricacies of the Indian Ocean and Asia Pacific Politics. With my skills as a Content Writer, I serve as a bridge between academia and the public, translating complex global issues into accessible narratives. My passion for fostering understanding and cooperation on the national and international stage drives me to make meaningful contributions to peace and global discourse.

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