WhatsApp has introduced a new ‘Favorite Chats’ filter for its Android beta testers, aiming to enhance user experience. This feature, found in version, streamlines access to essential conversations and groups.
Initially implemented for the calls tab, it has now been extended to the chats tab, allowing users to swiftly locate their preferred chats, be it individual contacts or groups. This development marks a significant stride in prioritizing and organizing pertinent conversations within WhatsApp.
To further streamline usage, users can add favorites directly within the chats tab or via a dedicated ‘Favorites’ section in the app settings.
This section enables users to manage their favorite chats, including adding, removing, or rearranging contacts and groups. Moreover, chats can be swiftly added to favorites from the chat info screen, simplifying the process.
While currently available to beta testers, the update will progressively reach more users over the coming days, though immediate access for all users is not guaranteed.
This new feature aligns with WhatsApp’s ongoing efforts to improve user experience, facilitating seamless communication with loved ones and important groups.