Pakistani singer and guitarist Haniya Aslam passed away early on Monday. The news was confirmed by Zab Bangash of the celebrated duo ‘Zeb and Haniya’ through an Instagram post. In his tribute, Bangash shared several photos of Aslam with the heartfelt caption, “Hanini ✨♥️.”
Aslam’s death was reported to be due to cardiac arrest. The duo, Zeb and Haniya, rose to prominence with their hit track ‘Bibi Sanam’ on Coke Studio in 2010, which played a significant role in their mainstream success.
The news of her passing has led to an outpouring of condolences from fans worldwide. In a 2020 interview with Youlin Magazine, Haniya Aslam shared her deep connection to music, saying, “I’m not sure if I started pursuing music or music started pursuing me! I’ve always been really into music, almost to the level of obsession. I vaguely remember wondering how all the musicians fit inside a cassette tape when I was 4 or 5.” Her passion for music and unique perspective left a lasting impact, and she will be remembered fondly by her fans and the music community.