In a pioneering initiative aimed at empowering women, the Faisalabad police have launched the district’s first all-female “Dolphin Squad.” This groundbreaking squad is designed to carry out responsibilities previously managed by male officers, marking a significant step in women’s empowerment across the nation.
The newly established Dolphin Squad will tackle street crimes and enhance public safety in Faisalabad. To ensure the female officers are well-prepared, they have received specialized training in operating 500cc heavy motorcycles and automatic weapons. This rigorous preparation equips them to handle their duties effectively.
The all-female squad, comprising 500 women commandos, will work in conjunction with male officers. Their responsibilities will include setting up roadblocks and conducting snap checks throughout the city. A key focus will be patrolling areas with high female foot traffic, such as universities and markets. This approach aims to create a safer environment for women, allowing them to go about their daily activities with greater peace of mind.
The Chief Police Officer (CPO) of Faisalabad has emphasized that the female Dolphin Squad will be initially deployed in public spaces where large numbers of women congregate. This strategic deployment is intended to offer both the female officers and the women in these areas a greater sense of security. It will also facilitate easier communication of any issues or concerns that may arise, as women will have direct access to female officers trained to address their needs.
Overall, the introduction of the Dolphin Squad represents a significant advancement in ensuring women’s safety and integrating them into crucial roles within law enforcement.