Punjab CM Maryam Nawaz spoke at the flag-hoisting ceremony at Huzuri Bagh in Lahore, expressing gratitude for the blessing of Pakistan. She stated, “Thanks be to Allah Almighty; He has granted us Pakistan, and we are breathing in a free country.” She prayed for the nation’s prosperity, saying, “May Allah Almighty keep our Pakistan always happy and prosperous. We are a pioneering nation, and Allah will keep Pakistan safe.”
Maryam Nawaz also paid tribute to Arshad Nadeem, expressing her joy at seeing the Pakistani flag flying high. “There is immense talent in our country; if these children are given a good environment, they will thrive. No one can stop me from saying that this country belongs to all of us, including minorities. There is no division here; we are all Pakistanis,” she affirmed.
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa CM Ali Amin Gandapur congratulated the nation and the founding chairman during his Independence Day speech. He emphasized that the tax money of the people, earned through their votes, should be utilized for their benefit.
Sindh CM Murad Ali Shah extended heartfelt wishes to the nation on Pakistan’s 77th Independence Day, highlighting the significance of August 14 for all Pakistanis, particularly for Muslims in the subcontinent. He announced major initiatives aimed at improving the lives of Sindh’s residents and expressed pride in being Pakistani. He urged unity in the fight against terrorism, calling on everyone to pledge to eradicate this menace, assuring that Pakistan will continue to rise on the global stage by following in the footsteps of its leaders.