In a tragic and mysterious incident, Ishtiaq Memon, an assistant controller of examinations at Sukkur IBA University, was found dead at his residence on Sunday, while his two sisters were discovered unconscious.
According to police, Memon’s body was found at his home in Sukkur Society after relatives broke down the door upon receiving no response from his phone. His sisters were rushed to the hospital in an unconscious state.
Memon, originally from Shikarpur district, lived in Sukkur with his sisters, as all three were employed in the city. Police have launched an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the incident, with further details expected after the post-mortem report.
The university’s Vice Chancellor, Asif Shaikh, confirmed that Memon was responsible for examination-related matters at the institution. However, he clarified that Memon was not directly involved in the recently conducted Medical and Dental Colleges Admission Test (MDCAT) but may have participated as an invigilator.