On Friday, Justice Shahid Jamil Khan, serving on the Lahore High Court (LHC), submitted his resignation, attributing the decision to personal reasons.
The formal resignation letter has been transmitted to the president’s office for review and processing. Having taken on the role of an LHC judge in 2014, Justice Khan, who was initially slated to retire in 2028, has opted to step down from his position. The details surrounding his resignation, however, remain undisclosed.
During the tenure of Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa, another judge from a superior court has resigned, following the resignations of Justice Sayyed Mazahar Ali Akbar and Justice Ijaz ul Ahsan last month.
More to follow….
In this article:CJP Faez Isa, Justice Shahid Jamil Khan, Lahore High Court (LHC)., Pakistan, resignation, TTI Magazine
Written By
Romana Afsheen