On Friday, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur announced that military operations in the province would not be permitted. He criticized past counterterrorism measures, asserting that they had left many residents displaced and homeless.
Addressing the Bannu Aman Committee, Gandapur condemned what he described as the imposition of flawed policies by what he termed “American slaves” on the Pashtun people. He argued that these policies, driven by the experiences and decisions of previous rulers, had been detrimental to the region.
Gandapur emphasized a shift in approach, stating that Khyber Pakhtunkhwa would now make its own decisions and take control of its own affairs. He voiced a strong commitment to securing the province’s rights independently, rather than merely requesting them. This declaration signals a significant stance against external interventions and a focus on self-determination for the province.