ISLAMABAD: Muslims worldwide observe ‘Muharram,’ Karbala the first month of the Islamic year. It serves as a reminder of the sorrowful events. Surrounding the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (AS) during the tragic day of ‘Ashura’ almost 1,400 years ago.
Imam Hussain (AS), the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and at least 72 followers were brutally martyred. After he refuses allegiance to the caliph of that time, Yazid bin Muawiya.
The carnage that followed the massacre at Karbala was unparalleled in history. With the bodies of the martyrs mutilated by a large military force. The tragedy continued as women and children accompanying Imam Hussain (AS) were captured. And endured a harsh 900-kilometer journey as slaves to Damascus.
on the other hand, one notable survivor was Bibi Zainab (AS), the younger sister of Imam Hussain (AS). Who displayed remarkable patience, resilience, endurance, and defiance throughout the ordeal. Her eloquent and powerful rebuke of Yazid in his court became a shining example of her defiance against mighty odds.
The journey of the captives to Damascus sparked a powerful backlash across Yazid’s empire as news of the events at Karbala spread. This led to the eventual release of the prisoners. Bibi Zainab (AS) played a vital role in safeguarding the lineage of her family. Protecting Imam Zainul Abideen (AS), and preventing the enslavement of Bibi Sakina (AS), the under-aged daughter of Imam Hussain (AS).
However, even after the prisoners’ release, Bibi Zainab (AS) continued her mission. And spreading the message of her slain brother and narrating the tragedy of Karbala. However, her outspokenness eventually led to her banishment from the city of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The Legacy of Karbala
The enduring legacy of Karbala lies in the message of sacrifice and endurance. It encourages people worldwide to believe that their sacrifices will bear fruit in the future. The mourning period for Karbala’s victims exemplifies the strength of this tragedy and its lasting impact, passed down through generations.
Although, Ayatollah Al-Hakim emphasizes that the revolution of Imam Hussain (AS) is not confine to a few days. But it continues to inspire and resonate across time and space. This message remains relevant to people facing struggles today, giving them hope and strength to persevere.
In summary, the commemoration of Muharram and the events of Karbala serve as a powerful reminder of the sacrifices. That is made by Imam Hussain (AS) and his followers, with Bibi Zainab (AS). Emerging as a symbol of dignity, courage, and resilience in the face of adversity. The legacy of Karbala endures as a beacon of hope for people striving for justice and truth in their own struggles.