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Pakistan, China, US and Russia holding crucial meeting on Afghanistan on Aug 11 in Doha

Troika Plus meeting on Afghanistan can achieve a breakthrough regarding ceasefire in Afghanistan

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan, China, the United States and Russia are holding an important meeting in Dohar, Qatar on 11th of August to discuss peace in Afghanistan and regional stability.

This important meeting of international players is taking place in the wake of Afghan Taliban making rapid inroads in the war-ravaged country after pull out of the US and Nato forces.

Security analysts believe that Troika Plus meeting will be important to ensure a ceasefire in Afghanistan and minimise security threats to the region.

Notably, the representatives of these four countries last met in April in Doha and also held unannounced sessions in what appeared to be an effort to develop regional consensus on the Afghan endgame.

Although the US has serious differences with China and Russia on many issues, Washington is now keen to take Beijing and Moscow onboard on the current Afghan situation. Both Russia and China have criticized the US for “hasty withdrawal” and declared that Washington has failed to bring about peace in the war-torn country.

Pakistan also expressed similar views as Prime Minister Imran Khan recently blamed the US for leaving behind a mess in Afghanistan. Pakistan, Russia and China are increasingly worried that the renewed fight in Afghanistan will be destabilizing for these three countries.

An Afghan Taliban delegation, which visited China a few days ago, was told by Beijing to make a clear break from the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), a UN designated terrorist outfit seeking an independent state for Chinese Muslims in Xinxiang.

Pakistan, also concerned at the growing unrest in the neighbouring country, is pushing the Afghan Taliban to take action against the outlawed Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).

The Foreign Office confirmed that Pakistan would attend the extended troika meeting in Doha.
“Pakistan considers Troika Plus an important forum to facilitate the Afghan Peace Process.

Pakistan has been participating in the format regularly,” Zahid Hafiz Chaudhri, foreign office spokesperson said in a statement.

“Pakistan looks forward to the Troika Plus meeting in Doha. The meeting will review the current situation in Afghanistan,” the spokesperson added. He said Pakistan would continue to support efforts to achieve a peaceful, stable and prosperous Afghanistan.

The extended Troika on the Afghan peaceful settlement will hold its next meeting in Doha in early August, Special Russian Presidential Representative for Afghanistan, Director of the Second Asian Department at Russia’s Foreign Ministry Zamir Kabulov told an online briefing on Thursday.

Russian Special envoy for Afghanistan Zamir Kabulov also confirmed the Doha meeting and said he was in contact with his US, Pakistani and Chinese counterparts on the issue.

US President Joe Biden announced on April 14 that he had made a decision to complete the operation in Afghanistan that has been the longest overseas military campaign in US history.

The situation in Afghanistan has started to deteriorate in the wake of the US decision as the Taliban are intensifying their offensive in many areas of the country.

The Taliban movement has claimed that it has gained control of about 85% of the country’s territory, including the border regions with five countries — Iran, China, Pakistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan.

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I am an experienced writer, analyst, and author. My exposure in English journalism spans more than 28 years. In the past, I have been working with daily The Muslim (Lahore Bureau), daily Business Recorder (Lahore/Islamabad Bureaus), Daily Times, Islamabad, daily The Nation (Lahore and Karachi). With daily The Nation, I have served as Resident Editor, Karachi. Since 2009, I have been working as a Freelance Writer/Editor for American organizations.


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