Martha-Ann, wife of US Supreme Court jurist Samuel Alito, reportedly acknowledged that displaying an upside-down American flag at their home following the Capitol Hill attack was “an international signal of distress,” as revealed in an interview on Saturday. She attributed the action to a neighborhood dispute, raising the flag on their flagpole shortly after supporters of former President Donald Trump stormed the government seat in the capital city.
While tradition dictates displaying the flag upside down only in cases of dire distress, recent associations have linked such actions to extremist protests. Some on the far right adopted this symbol amid efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election won by Joe Biden.
The revelation of the flag display has led to calls for Justice Alito’s recusal from any Supreme Court cases related to the January 6 attack on the US Capitol or Trump’s election challenges. Senators Dick Durbin and Sheldon Whitehouse have urged Chief Justice Roberts to discuss court ethics and ensure Alito’s impartiality.
The New York Times previously reported on the upside-down flag at Justice Alito’s home during the Supreme Court’s consideration of an election case in early 2021, with some Trump supporters viewing it as a “Stop the Steal” symbol. Additionally, another flag associated with the far right, known as the “Appeal to Heaven” flag, was reportedly flown above the Alitos’ holiday home in New Jersey last year, adding to the controversy.
Amid ongoing scrutiny, the Supreme Court has refrained from commenting on the flag displays or Alito’s involvement in cases related to the January 6 incident.
Meanwhile, in Pakistan, the events of January 6 have drawn comparisons to the May 9 riots following the arrest of former Prime Minister Imran Khan in a graft case. While Khan’s rivals have linked the incidents, his party, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, has called for a judicial inquiry, denying any involvement in the riots. Journalist Javed Chaudhry hinted at further legal action against Khan related to the May 9 events during a recent interview.