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Pakistan to Launch Kisan TV Channel to Aid Farmers in Climate Change Adaptation

ISLAMABAD: Coordinator to the Prime Minister on Climate Change, Romina Khurshid Alam, announced Pakistan’s plans to launch the Kisan TV channel, aimed at helping farmers combat the impacts of climate change.

In a statement on Sunday, the PM’s aide outlined that this innovative channel will educate farmers on climate adaptation strategies, disaster management techniques, and sustainable practices to mitigate environmental degradation.

The channel will leverage the services of Pakistan Television (PTV) to broadcast programs in six regional languages, ensuring vulnerable communities receive timely information. These programs will be telecast through local PTV stations at the provincial level, maximizing and localizing coverage and reach.

Romina Khurshid Alam also engaged with a private channel to amplify the voice of the Climate Ministry, promoting clean and green initiatives. She emphasized the importance of media support in enhancing climate change coverage and rearranging journalism priorities.

The Kisan TV channel will provide farmers with timely information and guidance on adapting to climate-related challenges, including weather alerts to enable preemptive measures. The channel will also feature initiatives promoting women’s income generation, gender empowerment, and environmental sustainability.

“The government seeks to empower farmers with knowledge and tools to build resilience against climate change, leveraging the power of media,” Romina Khurshid Alam stated. Media teams from relevant climate change departments and TV initiatives will collaborate to strengthen efforts in protecting the socio-economic impacts of climate change on the farming community.

During meetings in June over global heat waves and floods, the PM’s aide directed relevant institutions to strengthen official media teams to keep vulnerable communities informed about climate change. She noted the goal is to sensitize the media to report on climate change before potential flash flooding and glacial lake outbursts in vulnerable regions.

Romina Khurshid Alam is optimistic that the Kisan TV channel initiative will be a groundbreaking step towards a more climate-resilient and sustainable agricultural sector in Pakistan.

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I am an accomplished graduate of Strategic Studies, driven by a fervent dedication to comprehending global affairs and devising impactful strategies. Equipped with a comprehensive skill set encompassing research, critical thinking, and persuasive communication, I possess a distinctive viewpoint and an unwavering commitment to fostering inclusive decision-making processes. As a versatile individual, I excel in collaborating with diverse groups in various settings, leveraging my strong interpersonal abilities to adapt seamlessly to new environments and surmount any challenges that arise. With a passion for contributing to strategic initiatives, I am eager to leverage my expertise and drive to effect positive change within the field.

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