After leaving Nida Yasir’s morning show on Tuesday, anchor Rabia Anum made a statement in support of those who have experienced domestic abuse. The host, who was already seated when the show started, made a point to show her support for the victims of abuse before making an excuse when she learned of the remaining guests.
Actors Fiza Ali and Mohsin Abbas Haider were also invited to the episode of the morning show, in addition to Anum. Anum apologised to Yasir when she learned about the other two visitors and went on to give her explanation for leaving. “Nida, I want to apologise in advance for what I’m about to say.
“You know I love you,” she continued. I love this group of people and this channel a lot. While we are currently discussing mistakes made as children, some mistakes last a lifetime. I don’t want to make those errors now. Anum made references to Haider’s domestic abuse case, which was brought by his ex-wife Fatima Sohail.
“There is a matter close to me, on which I have taken a very strong stance,” she continued. I was aware that Fiza would be at your show today, but I was not made aware of the presence of any other guests. I’ve spoken out against domestic violence. And I believe that I must comply if even the smallest effort tomorrow can save my daughter or my friend.
“For this reason, I don’t want to be a part of this show,” she continued. “I know you are an employee of the channel, and I know you are very responsible,” Anum continued to Yasir. But if I endured this performance today, tomorrow I won’t be able to face my friends, my coworkers, or any victims. I’m hoping you can pardon me.
A lot of people praised Anum for her “strong” stance on the issue.
In 2019, Haider was charged with physically abusing his wife, Sohail. Since then, the actor has categorically denied all claims of violence made against him. The actor claimed that his wife’s accusations are all a part of a plot by his “enemies” in the entertainment industry to destroy him.