Indian filmmaker Aanand L Rai has officially confirmed that ‘Tanu Weds Manu 3,’ the much-anticipated third installment in his popular franchise, is in development. In a recent interview with an Indian media outlet, Rai, known for hits like ‘Raanjhanaa’ and the previous ‘Tanu Weds Manu’ films, revealed that work on the new sequel is underway.
Addressing questions about the film’s continuation, Rai explained, “The decision to create a sequel depends solely on the story. We are currently working on it.” He acknowledged the challenge of bringing back beloved characters with a compelling narrative, stating, “It’s a big responsibility to craft a bigger story. I am committed to starting the project as soon as the story is finalized.”
Rai, who has also directed ‘Zero,’ ‘Atrangi Re,’ and ‘Raksha Bandhan,’ emphasized the importance of creating a story that satisfies audiences rather than rushing into production just for profit. “If it were only about making money, we could begin shooting in the next three months. But to deliver a story that genuinely resonates, we must work diligently. The pressure to meet the high standards set by the second film is real,” he said.
He hinted that ‘Tanu Weds Manu 3’ is expected to commence filming sometime next year, with a focus on exceeding the success of its predecessors. Both previous films in the franchise, which follow the lives of NRI doctor Manoj Kumar Sharma and his wife Tanuja Trivedi, were significant box office successes.