Pakistani actress Hania Amir has recently captured the interest of Indian audiences with her performance in the drama series Kabhi Mein Kabhi Tum. The show’s success has led to a notable increase in her fan base in India, prompting a request for an interview from prominent Indian journalist Faridoon Shahryar.
Known for his interviews with Bollywood stars, Shahryar praised Amir’s acting and reached out via social media to express his interest in interviewing her. “I would love to interview you. Please let me know how this can be arranged,” Shahryar wrote in a comment on one of Amir’s social media posts.
While Hania Amir has yet to respond to the request, her fans have been vocal in encouraging her to consider the opportunity. The series, which airs on a private Pakistani channel, also stars Fahad Mustafa and has been trending on YouTube, highlighting its widespread appeal.