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Punch Drunk: John Cena Admits Getting Into A Fistfight At His Brother’s Wedding That Forced Everyone to Go Home

F9 star John Cena revealed he got into a drunken fistfight with a family member that shut down his own brother’s wedding.

John Cena recalled the hilarious yet terrifying story of how he had a fist fight on his brother’s wedding.

In an appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, the F9 star shared how he had gifted his brother Matt Cena an open bar for the wedding.

However, that gift backfired after some liquid courage led the wrestler to get into a brawl with another brother, promptly shutting down the reception.

The story unfolded when host Jimmy directed the wrestler if he was involved in a wedding fail to which the actor replied: “I think that’s something, kind of, we all have.”

“Mine was my Brother Matt’s wedding,” he continued.

“I thought it would be a nice gesture to open the bar. Drinks are on me, that’s my gift to the bride and groom. Nobody would have to pay for anything.”

Apparently John had one too many and got into a fight with his other brother Dan Cena.

“So, I found out it was a mistake when my brother Dan and I got into a fistfight in the middle of the dance floor and closed the wedding down,” John recalled.

He added how his family members were not particularly fazed with their violent exchange.

“You could tell, right then and there, who guests were, and who were a member of the Cena family,” he quipped.

“Because the guests were like, ‘what are you gonna do to stop it?’ and the Cena family’s like, ‘No, no, let ’em figure it out. Let ’em do it.'”

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