The Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has declared a state of emergency in Upper Chitral due to severe damage from recent monsoon rains, glacier bursts, and subsequent flash floods. This emergency measure, announced by the Secretary of Relief, will be in place for one month, starting immediately and lasting until August 30.
The heavy rains and glacier bursts have wreaked havoc in Upper Chitral, causing extensive damage to infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and both private and government buildings. In light of the widespread destruction, the Chief Minister has ordered the cancellation of all leave for local administrative staff in Upper Chitral, mandating that officials remain on-site to address the crisis.
The emergency declaration is intended to facilitate rapid relief and rehabilitation efforts. The Chief Minister has underscored the urgency of providing alternative arrangements for those affected by the floods and has called for prompt and effective measures to mitigate the impact of the disaster. This response is aimed at ensuring that recovery and support operations are carried out with the highest priority and efficiency.