The Peshawar High Court has temporarily halted the arrest of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur by granting him a transit bail. The decision was made by a two-member bench led by Justice Arshad Ali, who directed Gandapur to appear before the relevant court.
During the hearing, the Advocate General requested a transit bail period extending beyond a month. The court was informed that a local court had issued arrest warrants for Gandapur just a day earlier. The Chief Minister’s lawyer revealed that Gandapur had previously secured bail in over a hundred cases, noting a pattern where new cases are filed as soon as previous ones are resolved.
Justice Arshad Ali questioned the Advocate General about the nature of the current case. The Advocate General explained that multiple cases had been filed against Gandapur across different regions in Punjab. Justice Ali expressed concerns that the case had extended beyond the jurisdiction of the Peshawar High Court and questioned the feasibility of granting further bail under these circumstances.
In response, the court decided to temporarily halt the arrest, awaiting further developments related to the Chief Minister’s court appearances. The decision reflects the court’s intention to monitor the situation and make informed decisions based on subsequent legal proceedings. This pause in Gandapur’s arrest provides him with an opportunity to address the legal challenges he faces while the court assesses the broader implications of the ongoing cases against him.