Hong Kong’s beloved female panda, Ying Ying, has made history by giving birth to twins, becoming the oldest first-time giant panda mother. The joyful event occurred on at Hong Kong’s Ocean Park, just a day before Ying Ying’s 19th birthday. Ying Ying was born in Wolong, China, on August 16, 2006.
Her achievement is remarkable, as, in human years, she would be 57 years old. The birth of her twins is considered rare and extraordinary.
According to caretakers, the newborn pandas are extremely fragile and require intensive care to stabilize. The cubs are currently under 24-hour surveillance to ensure their well-being.
“We are all eagerly anticipating the moment we can meet the giant panda cubs. Please be patient for a few more months until they are ready to make their debut and officially meet everyone!” stated Ocean Park Hong Kong, as reported by the BBC.
Ying Ying gave birth to a male and a female cub. The female cub appears to be more delicate than her brother, with a lower body temperature and weaker cries. She also weighs just 122g, making her particularly vulnerable.
Giant pandas are known for their reluctance to mate, but Ying Ying and the cubs’ father, Le Le, successfully mated at Ocean Park in March.
The pair have been residents of the park since 2007, when they were gifted to Hong Kong by Beijing.
China has been working tirelessly to prevent the decline of the panda population. Thanks to these efforts, giant pandas are now considered a vulnerable species, no longer on the brink of extinction.
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