On Thursday, a tragic incident unfolded in Faisalabad where a father was killed by his three sons due to a dispute over property. The conflict arose after the father sold a piece of land worth Rs 500 million and distributed the proceeds among his sons. Following the distribution, tensions heightened, eventually leading to a deadly confrontation.
The father, identified as Nawaz Ali, was shot multiple times by his sons in Medina Town. After the shooting, the three assailants fled the scene. The police have apprehended one of the suspects, and a search is underway for the remaining two. The motive behind the crime appears to be related to disagreements over the expulsion of the father from the family home following the sale of the land.
Further complicating the case, the victim’s son-in-law disclosed that there were two prior incidents involving physical violence between the father and his children. This ongoing strife may have contributed to the tragic outcome.
CCTV footage from the scene has been released, showing Nawaz Ali being gunned down by his son. The video captures the father being shot while on his motorcycle, with the assailant continuing to fire even after the victim fell.
The incident underscores the severe consequences of familial disputes exacerbated by financial disagreements. As the investigation continues, authorities are focusing on piecing together the exact circumstances leading up to the fatal altercation and bringing all involved parties to justice.