Famous film star Payel Mukherjee was attacked by a motorcyclist during protests against the recent Kolkata rape case. She is a renowned Indian-Bangali showbiz star.
According to Indian media, after the tragic incident involving a female doctor at Kolkata’s RG Medical College on August 9, widespread anger has erupted across India, sparking protests in various cities.
Citizens have taken to the streets, demanding justice and stricter security measures. Protesters are calling for swift punishment for all those responsible.
During these protests, Bengali actress Payel Mukherjee was attacked by a motorcyclist in Kolkata yesterday. The actress reported that the attacker stopped his motorcycle near her car and demanded she step out of the vehicle.
When Payel Mukherjee refused, fearing for her safety, the attacker shattered the right-side window of her car, injuring her hand in the process.
In a tearful video message, the actress questioned the safety of women in India, saying, “I don’t know where we stand now. If a woman can be attacked on a crowded street in the evening, just imagine what can happen in a deserted place.”
She added that even after the heartbreaking incident involving the female doctor, women in Kolkata still face safety concerns. “I shudder to think what would have happened if this incident had taken place in a deserted area,” she said.
In another video, the actress displayed the motorcycle involved in the incident and the damage to her car.