Adil Murad, the son of the iconic Pakistani actor Waheed Murad, has expressed his doubts about the idea of a biopic dedicated to his late father. Waheed Murad, known for his charismatic screen presence and unique style, is a celebrated figure in Pakistani cinema. His career, marked by hits like Armaan, Heera Aur Pathar, and Andaleeb, spanned from 1961 until his untimely death on November 23, 1983.
In a recent interview, Adil Murad reflected on his father’s impressive legacy but voiced strong reservations about any attempt to portray him on screen. He questioned whether any actor could truly capture the essence of his father’s distinctive presence and charisma.
Adil expressed concerns about the authenticity and effectiveness of a portrayal, asking, “Will we be able to accept anyone as him on screen? Can anyone truly embody Waheed Murad?”
He emphasized that his father’s charm, style, and expressive acting are integral to his legacy, qualities he feels cannot be replicated. Despite the potential financial benefits of a biopic, Adil Murad stressed that preserving his father’s name, fame, and stature holds more value to him and his family than any monetary gain. “His name and legacy are more important to us than any financial benefits from movies or biopics,” he said.